If I Could Be Your Instrument

If I could be your instrument
enraptured you would cling to me
such sweet sweet music we would make
always in perfect harmony.

If I could nestle in your arms
your mind and heart I’d surely win
as back and forth you slide the bow
on your most cherished violin.

Or I could be your clarinet
the sounds we’d make – oh so sublime
poets would swoon and grab their pens
and put our gorgeous notes to rhyme.

Your fingers fondly on my keys
we’d be as one, together grow.
Our passion would be plain to see.
Play me!  Play me! Your piano.

Or, I could be your bass trombone
hands polishing my lovely bell
sensuous lips on me each night
you’d ever be under my spell.

Yet, maybe fame we two could share
our names in lights –  famous rock stars!
As you would nightly pluck my strings
I’d delight crowds as your guitar.

Percussion, brass, woodwind or strings
it matters not at all to me.
Your devotion is what I crave.
Your heart I want my own to be.